Monday, February 17, 2014

Aviation Organizations I Will be a Part of in My Future

As I move ever closer to graduation and leaving EMU in my past, I have begun searching for jobs and paying much closer attention to the industry's hiring trends.  I have talked with as many people who have my degree as will listen.  They have really all told me the same thing: "I wish I wouldn't have gone this route with my career."  That is striking to me because they spent 4 or more years and thousands on a degree and are not happy.  These people have basically told me that I made a poor decision.  One of them works as a ramp agent at Delta, so I understand his pain, but the others I have talked to gave reasons like there are no jobs for this degree, you have to know someone, or other reasons for not being employed in their field.

I don;t feel like they are wrong, but there are reasons they are not happy or haven't been successful.  The biggest problem is that they aren't willing to move.  That is paramount to finding a job in this industry, traveling great distances is inherent to aviation and the job you can get might be across the nation. The other reason I surmise is that they aren't members of the appropriate organizations and don't network hard enough. I don't see myself having the same problems others I have talked to have because I am willing to move, I am networking, and I am a member of the right organization. 

As a future airport employee, I am a member of AAAE.  The AAAE is specifically geared towards airport advocacy and airports alone.  They are the only group in America that does this.  I am currently in the C.M. program they offer which is a huge resume booster.  It looks very good to potential employers to have this in progress or already done.  It shows you care about the industry you are getting into and trying to be proactive about learning.  They have many different tools and services to help their members, such as the training program I am in, conferences all over the country every year about different topics related to airports specifically, and much more. Utilizing them will help me move much closer to obtaining employment at an airport.

Beyond the AAAE, I still plan on becoming a pilot so I plan on joining AOPA.  They are a leading organization that is concerned with pilot issues in the U.S. and they offer a slew of member benefits.  They have student memberships, but I don't feel like I would be able to utilize it enough while I'm not flying.  They offer a magazine, flight planning software, discounts on things like cars from FBO's, financing programs for aircraft, insurance, and much more.  As a member of AOPA, you have access to all these services and become a part of a very large flying community.  I can't imagine being a part of the aviation community and not joining an organization like this.  The benefits are worth the money in both organizations.


  1. I've heard some of the same things and completely agree that the majority of the people I've heard them from are doing the same things you touched on. It astounds me that anyone would enter the aviation industry and not be willing to relocate or do the necessary networking. We are taught from day one that networking is one of the most important parts of this field. As for relocation, you would think anyone in our industry would want to travel, so relocating would be a plus. Not to mention the fact that if you get a job with an airline, you'll most likely have flight benefits, so your current location won't be as far as you may think.

  2. I chose the AAAE for one of my organizations. To be quite honest, I wasn't very aware of what they were all about and I am glad I looked at their organization. I am excited about the possibilities for myself and what they have to offer.

  3. AAAE is a good one, and pursuing one of their certifications is a great way to make your resume stand out.

  4. AAAE is a great choice and eventually becoming a C.M. member will be a huge boost to you in this industry, as you we'll know. AAE is the next step after employment and then you can write your ticket. I agree with you that many others are not willing to commit to the changing and dynamic environment of Aviation Management. Because of this lack of motivation, they say it is a waste of time and a poor choice, and for them, it was. I'll see you at the top someday.
